Zip Wire

Fun activities promoting positive relationships


Self defence skill building

Chopping Wood

Survival skills - building confidence

We are delighted to be running a pilot project around preventing domestic abuse. The project, ‘Beyond Harm’, supports Southern Housing residents and their communities offering workshops at youth clubs, schools and colleges.  There will also be drop in sessions at family hubs.

Where necessary we’ll refer residents for therapy and provide keyworkers for individual families to get all round support.

Beyond harm will work hard to inform people about different types of domestic abuse, giving people the tools they need to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Participants will be able to:

  • Spot ‘red flags’ within relationships
  • Understand consent
  • Be more able to resist peer pressure
  • Be more confident keeping safe online
  • Know where to go for help, advice and support if they need it

Beyond Harm believes everyone deserves abuse free lives where they feel safe and cared for in consenting relationships with the support to live fulfilled lives.

We hope our work will help prevent domestic abuse happening or recurring, and reduce the number of victims and perpetrators of abuse in the future.  To find out more about the pilot and get update please follow us on Instagram.

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